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If you need a report, chances are we have it. We can help you manage, analyze and monitor your data, track your cash flow, follow your money, balance your sellers, learn more about your fans, and more. In short, we have all of the tools necessary to track and analyze all of your data. 
  • Real-Time Reports: We give you real-time access to your numbers and the ability to export your data whenever you need it so you can know your business better. No need for a middleman, period. 

  • Google Analytics Integration: You can now see the entire purchase funnel from your website to through your own Google Analytics account, enabling better ROI tracking than ever before. 

  • Schedule and Automate Reports: Our report Scheduler does exactly what the name implies; it allow you to schedule your favorite reports to run automatically, then have them delivered directly to your inbox. 

  • Mobile Reporting App: We know you're not always tied to your desk, or even within arms reach of a computer. With our mible reporting app, you have to be. You can view all of your ticketing reports on the go. 

  • Etix Community CRM: The Etix Community feature provides easy access to your computer data, allowing you to quickly view and sort your ticket buyers by purchase history or demographics and export for use in your email marking campaigns. 

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